Modified Artificial Graphite: an Excellent Anode Material for Lithium Batteries

Graphite powder is divided into artificial graphite dust and natural graphite. While they share similar properties and structures, the uses of each are different. Researchers have mistakenly called graphite, despite the fact that they are similar in structure and chemical properties. Confusion of these two elements has resulted in many misleading decisions and poor decision making, which have led to economic loss and a significant waste of resource. The article will discuss the relationship between natural and artificial graphite from the viewpoint of their structure, composition, and performance.

Characteristics of Graphite powder

Natural graphite is made by the conversion of carbon-rich organic materials under long-term pressure and temperature geological environments. It’s the natural crystallization. It is the process characteristics that make natural graphite. This is largely determined by its crystal form. There are many uses for minerals with different crystal forms. There are many kinds of natural graphite. Natural graphite is divided into different forms according to their crystalline structure. My country has two types of flake and cryptocrystalline graphite. Artificial graphite has a similar structure to the polycrystals found in crystallography. The production of artificial graphite is different for each variety. The general term artificial graphite can refer to all graphite products obtained via organic carbonization and graphitization at high temperatures. The use of carbonaceous materials such as pitch coke or petroleum coke to make artificial graphite is the most common definition. This includes aggregates and coal pitch. As binders after batching. Learn about artificial graphite production and how it is used.

Artificial Graphite

Manufacturing Process and Application Anode material for lithium batteries is one of the most important materials in lithium-ion. This plays an essential role in energy density, cycle stability and other aspects of battery life. New negative electrode materials, such as graphene and carbon nanotubes, have appeared in an endless number of forms over the past few years. Tin-based, silicon, tungsten, and tin-based compounds are all examples. But, their availability has been limited due to a range of issues. At the moment, graphite-based materials for carbon have been the dominant market-oriented anode material. Artificial graphite offers a higher interlayer spacing than natural graphite (93%) and lower graphitization degrees (93%). It also has lower crystallinity and some layer structures that are more disordered. The surface of artificial graphite has large specific surfaces and is porous. The electrolyte is very easy to react and decompose so it has a low initial efficiency (=350mAh/g). Researchers have found a way to improve the manufacturing process of artificial graphite, which is used in the manufacture of lithium batteries. Modified artificial graphite is a type of this product. This has characteristics such as high compaction, low expansion rate, long cycle times, and high cycle time. The use of it can increase the lithium battery’s conversion with electrolyte. It will reduce the swelling in the pole shoes and improve the replacement battery’s overall lifespan. It is used to produce artificial graphite, pitch and other chemicals. Then carbonize. The surface of artificial graphite is covered with an amorphous layer made from carbon-doped material. An overlapping layer is used to prevent co-embedding organic solvents as well as the contraction and expansion of graphite. In order to preserve high capacities, low potentials and compatibility of lithium batteries with solvents, the top layer is removed. TRUNNANO is also known as. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. Our 99.95% modifed artificial graphite has high purity, small particles size, and low impurity. We can help you if the price is lower.
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Properties and applications of Zinc sulfide

Zinc sulfuride, what is it? Zinc Sulfide Is an inorganic compound that has the chemical composition ZnS. It’s found in the minerals of wurtzite and sphalerite. Wurtzite and sphalerite both have wide-band gaps semiconductors. Zinc sulfuride is transparent in appearance and can be seen as white. It’s usually made from waste material and is also an by-product in ammonia synthesis with methane. A Application of Zinc sulfur 1.Zinc sulfuride is insoluble in water. It can be solubilized in acids. See sunshine color darker. The zinc sulfate can be converted by long-term moist air. In general, by using zinc salt solution and hydrogen sulfide. The crystal ZnS can activate different colors by adding small amounts of Cu, Mn, and Ag. It is used for analysis, paint and paint, transparent and white, as well filling, and to prepare phosphors. 2.Zinc Sulfide can be described as a white powder. It is a white powder with good chemical stability. Useful as a white pigment 3. Low Mohs Hardness Zinc Sulfide Pigment, Soft Texture, Processing of Machine Metal Wear Less, Significantly prolonging the Service Life of the Machinery. 4. This white pigment has a brilliant hue that is equivalent to around 60% of the whitening potential of titanium dioxide. ZnS can be used as a flame retardant and is safe for titanium dioxide. Two and six-compound semiconductors, zinc sulfide has attracted a lot of attention. Not only are they excellent in physical properties like band width, refractive index and light transmittance, but also their potential for use in optoelectronic, optical and electronic devices. A zinc sulfide nanomaterial has exceptional fluorescence electron luminescent performance. This can be used for making white pigment, glass and luminescent powder as well as rubber, plastic, paint, and other applications. Eab Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional Zink sulfide. It has over 12 years’ experience in chemical product development and research. Inquiring if you need high quality Zinc sulfuride.
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How to Prepare Neodymium Oxide Conveniently and Quickly

What is Neodymium oxide? A rare earth oxide, neodymium oxide can be used in many applications. It’s used primarily in Neodymium Iron Born (NdFeB) permanent magnets. Televisions, glass colorings, fluorescent materials and laser materials. The elegant color of neodymium oxide is also a great discolorer. The oxide can also be used to make ceramics, dye textiles, and superconductivity, among other high-tech materials. There has been a steady increase in research and applications of neodymium oxygen in catalysis. This includes catalyzing carboxylic acid ester synthesis as well as the amination fatty alcohols. Good catalytic properties are demonstrated by nano-neodymium oxygen.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Neodymium Oxide

Neodymium dioxide is a type of lavender solid-powder. Your body can be easily affected by water. It is able to absorb carbon dioxide found in the air. It is not soluble or soluble with water. Its relative density is 7.24. The melting point is approximately 1900. Partially, heating the air may cause the high price for neodymium oxygen. Three types of neodymiumoxide crystal structure are available: triangular, cubic and hexagonal. This material is more magnetic than traditional neodymium-oxide materials due to its smaller structure and the surface of nanoparticles of neodymiumoxide nanoparticles.

Neodymium Oxide

Preparation Process 1. The chemical precipitation method Chemical precipitation is the most common and widely-used method to prepare nano neodymiumoxid particles from liquid phases. You use various precipitating materials and raw materials with neodymium Ions to make insoluble carbonate, oxalate, precursors and precipitate, filter, then calcine the precursors to get nano-scaled neodymium powder. There are several methods that can be used to make neodymium oxide powder. These include co-precipitation (homogeneous precipitation), complex precipitation, and others. It is very simple and easy to perform, as well as low on equipment. The method can be used to prepare nano neodymium powder materials for industry or laboratories. It is also easy to make agglomerates of precursor particles during the preparation. This results in large final nano neodymium powder particles. 2. Pyrolysis is a method of removing toxins from the body. Nano-neodymiumoxide can be prepared by pyrolysis. Although the process is straightforward, cost-effective, high yield, and easy to manage, the particle shape is not very well controlled and particles are difficult to achieve with identical sizes. Thermal decomposition, for example, uses 2-nitrobenzoic Acid and neodymium Nitrate as raw materials in order to produce nano-neodymium powder. It has an average particle size 15nm.

Neodymium Oxide

Areas for Application 1. Applications in catalysis Ultrafine powders of rare earth neodymium oxalate ultrafine have many applications in catalysis. The nano-neodymiumoxid ultrafine powder is used for the synthesis important chemical raw material such as butyl propionate and isobutylacetate. Additionally, carbon nanotubes with Nd2O3 particles are excellent catalysts to decrease the quantity of solid rocket propellants. Thermal decomposition temperatures of ammonium chlorate increase their burning rates. 2. Applications in ceramic industries The ceramic industry can also benefit from ultrafine rare Earth neodymium powder. A rare earth metal neodymium dioxide film coated ceramic pigment has a beautiful pearlescent hue. It is light violet in color. The pigment is less stable than others, it is lighter, more refined, is more original, and has a better finish. This pigment can provide excellent UV shielding properties. A new laser-working material is Nd-dopedytrium oxide ceramics (Nd,Y2O3). It has the potential to be used in high power lasers. Eab Tech Co., Ltd. is a professional Neodymium Oxidepowder maker with more than 12 year experience in chemical product development and research. Send us an inquiry if you’re looking for premium neodymium dioxide powder.
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Graphite, the Most Useful Mineral with Extreme Features and Users

What’s graphite? Graphite A dark grey to black metallic mineral that is very soft and shiny with a distinctive, greasy sensation. Graphite, one of the Earth’s hardest minerals, can leave marks on paper. This is why graphite pencils are so popular. Graphite can be found as a natural form of crystalline Carbon. It is an elemental mineral and metamorphic rock. Graphite, an extreme mineral, is a good example. It is extremely soft, has very little pressure for splitting, and its specific gravity is low. However, its heat resistance is exceptional and it’s inert when coming into contact with other material. This makes it a popular choice in manufacturing and metallurgy.

Geological occurrence

Graphite can be described as a form of carbon that forms when carbon is exposed to pressure and heat in the crust and uppermantle. For graphite to be produced, it needs to be heated at 750 degrees Celsius and pressured at 75,000 psi. These conditions correspond with granite metamorphic stages. Graphite – Graphite crystals found in marble pieces from Mont-Tremblant Les Laurentides RCM Quebec, Canada. This specimen measures about three inches (7.6cm).

Graphite due to regional deterioration (flaky graphite).

The majority of graphite found on the Earth’s surface today comes from the converging plates boundary. This is the place where the pressure and heat of regional metamorphism causes organic-rich limestone and shale to melt. It produces schist, marble, and gneiss that contain small crystals and graphite flake. These rocks may be extracted from the ground if they have a high concentration of graphite. They can then be crushed into smaller particles which can produce graphite flakes. It is also known as “flakegraphite” Flake graphite It is natural, crystalline graphite which has the appearance of fish phosphate

Graphite from metamorphic coal mines (“amorphous”)

The metamorphism and formation of some graphite from coal seams is a key factor. Most of the organic material in coal is made up carbon, oxygen hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and other elements. Heat from metamorphism causes the destruction of organic molecules in coal, and it volatilizes sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen. It is possible to crystallize mineral graphite from the almost pure carbon materials. These graphite “joints,” which are the layers that correspond with the coal’s original layers, can be found. Amorphous graphite is the name given to this material when mined. It is not correct to use the term “amorphous graphite” because it has a crystal-like structure. The appearance of the material in mines is very similar to that of coal. It does not have bright and dark bands.

Graphite from igneous rocks or meteorites

A tiny amount of graphite can be found as the main mineral within igneous rocks. This mineral is found in tiny quantities in basalt flow, syenite and other minerals. Also, it is known to form in pegmatite. Some meteorites may contain very little graphite. These types of graphite do not have economic value.

Graphite & diamond

Graphite, and diamond are two forms of carbon. Under extreme pressure and heat, diamonds can be formed in the mantle. Near the surface, most graphite is produced in the crust of the earth at lower temperatures and higher pressures. The structure of graphite is different from that of diamond, although the compositions are identical. In graphite, carbon atoms are linked in a hexagonal grid to create an atom-thick sheet. This thin plate is not connected well and will slide or split against each other if it bears a slight force. Graphite is extremely soft, has perfect cleavage and is smooth. Instead, each carbon atom in the diamond is connected to create a framework. The three-dimensional network is formed by each carbon atom being connected with the four remaining carbon atoms. Each carbon atom has strong covalent bond to create a framework. The arrangement holds diamond’s atoms securely, which makes it a highly hard material.

Synthetic Graphite

The heating of high-carbon materials, such as petroleum coke (and coal tar pitch), to 2500-3000 Celsius creates synthetic graphite. These high temperatures cause the destruction or extermination of many volatile compounds and metals from the raw materials. The remainder of graphite forms a sheet-like structure. The carbon purity in synthetic graphite is over 99%, so it can be used for products that demand extremely pure materials.

Applications for Graphite

Graphite is used for a wide variety of purposes, some almost incompatible. A carbon allotrope and the softest mineral in the world, graphite can be used as a lubricant. Writing instruments, lubricants and other uses include graphene. A single-atom-thick graphene cylinder can be formed. It is super strong and ideal for use in sports equipment. Graphite is a non-metal that behaves just like metal. It can also conduct electricity. Graphite forms a thin film when it reacts with water vapor. This helps to reduce friction and creates a layer of graphite on the surface. It is a suspended oil component that reduces friction between moving parts. Graphite may be used in lubricants at up to 787° Celsius (1,450° Fahrenheit) or as a release agent up to 13,15° Celsius (2,399° Fahrenheit). Graphite, which can withstand very high temperatures without chemical change, is a popular refractory metal. It can be used to make steel, glass and iron. Also, it can be used as an asbestos replacement for car brake pads. Lithium ion battery have graphite and lithium anodes. The graphite anode will be surrounded by positively charged lithiumions as they are charged. While lithium anodes may be used to make more powerful batteries than they are, it will expand a lot during charging. As time passes, the cathode surface cracks, which allows lithium ions to escape. They then form dendrites, which can shorten the life of your battery. TRUNNANO is also known as. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. Our company’s graphite granule has high purity, small particle sizes and low impurities. If the price is lower, email our customer service.
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Nanometer Copper Is Applied to the Latest Bacteriostatic Technology

Copper is an important metal for humans Copper is the most common metal which has been smelted from its ore. The reason is that copper has a lower melting value than iron. This was around 7000 years ago. It is the most widely used metal, as it has chemical properties that aren’t as dull or as those of gold, silver, and platinum. But, relative to iron and aluminum, they will not be eroded if it is dry. Thus, copper was the catalyst for human civilization. Copper is actually derived from Latin Cuprum. This was where the Ancient Romans extracted most of their copper. All of us know copper to be a shiny amber metal. We use the term to describe jewelry and hair color.

The medical value of copper

Copper is an essential trace element. A normal human body has 50-120 mg of copper. Copper is an essential element in our bodies. Copper plays a crucial role in the creation of copper proteins as well as various enzymes. REDOX is also important in maintaining normal hematopoiesis. This helps to promote connective tissues formation, maintenance of central nervous system health and protect cells against the damage caused by ultra-oxygen anion. Copper deficiency causes symptoms similar to iron shortage anemia. A copper deficiency could also cause other issues, including reduced white blood cells and lightened hair, patches on the skin, immune system disorders, abnormalities in bone, and others. Perhaps the most concerning concern is that, if there are lower levels of copper lysyloxidase and collagen synthesis in blood vessels walls, this can cause them to become hardened and fragile, leading to potential damage ).

The therapeutic effects of copper on the cardiovascular system can be a result. Nano copper has been used as a medicine for years to supplement dietary therapy.

The Bacteriostatic Action of Copper

Some of the lesser-known benefits that copper has are listed below. Scientists have discovered that copper has the ability to eliminate infections. It and its alloys possess antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is believed that copper ions (charged particles), are released into the environment when microbes land or migrate to copper. They prevent cell respiration, puncture the bacterial cell membrane, and kill the viral shell. The continuous antibacterial activity of copper is maintained even through natural oxidation, repeated dry and wet wear. Copper can be easily recycled and is completely safe for humans. The use of copper ions in sterilization is common. There are some Nano-copper antibacterial products on the marketplace. A Chilean company also introduced N95 masks with Nano-copper in April.

The Nano Copper Application Prospect

Nanoscale copper particles, in addition to these applications, are widely used in high efficiency catalysts and microelectronics industries, metallurgy fields, high temperature ceramics manufacturing area, as well as high-efficiency catalytic converters. Nano copper’s characteristics, which include a large surface area, strong catalysis and high activity, will make it a popular choice in many other fields. TRUNNANO (aka. Luoyang Tongrun Nano Technology Co. Ltd. (a trusted global manufacturer and supplier of chemical materials) has over 12 years’ experience in manufacturing high-quality Nano materials and chemicals. We produce high-purity, small particles and low impurity copper powder . We can help you if the price is lower.
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Do You Know about Silicon Oxide SiO2 Hollow Nanospheres

Silica’s Application Status Silica has a strong presence in many industries. Silica is not just a powerful presence in traditional glass, quartz sheet and rubber but it also has a strong impact on CCL copper clad lamellas, EMC epoxy packaging, 5G communications, and semiconductor technology. Rapid growth is expected in this field. Some emerging fields of technology require silica powder that is prepared using conventional technology. For example, nano-drug delivery systems need silica particles with an orderly, continuously adjustable Mesoporous structure and large surface areas. These characteristics can also be easily modified to make them more suitable for drug carriers.

SiO2 Hollow Nanospheres Position in Silicon Dioxide Field

There are two main types of silica nanostructures currently in use. The hollow mesoporous, SiO2 microspheres and monodisperse spherical SiO2. One has high specific area and volume and makes a great catalyst or drug carrier. While the other has excellent optical and mechanical properties and is useful in ceramics as well as optoelectronics fields such coatings and ceramics. application.

Silica Hollow Sphere Discovered by Researchers

To create a high-performance, multifunctional lithium-sulfur separator you can combine mesoporous Nickel/silica hollowspheres and graphene. A large number silica nanosheets make up the hollow Ni/SiO2sphere. This allows for uniform distribution of many metallic Ni nanoparticles. It was discovered that LiPSs can be absorbed by porous silica sheets. This is based on both theoretical and experimental research. The strong chemical reaction of Ni nanoparticles to LiPSs is enhanced by their good dispersion. They also speed up the redox cycle. Graphene creates a good conductive net and encourages Li2S precipitation redox kinetics. A perfect ground anchor conversion function, as well as a conductive network that is highly efficient in reducing permeability, ensure high sulfur utilization. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. With over 12 years’ experience, TRUNNANO (aka. High purity, small particle sizes and low impurities are the hallmarks of our Silicon Oxide SiO2 Hollow Nanospheres. We can help you if the price is lower.
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How Much Do You Know About Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver’s medicinal benefits For over a thousand year, silver has been used in antiseptics. This antibiotic is very popular in folk medicine. It can be used to prevent the spoilage of milk and treat fungal and bacterial infections. This magic drug was used by ancient royalty to treat and prevent disease. Royal family members almost only use silver vessels. Because of this, members of the royal family almost always use silver vessels.

Coloidal Silver on Skin

Colloidal and nanometer silver have great potential for emulsions, creams and other applications. Robert Becker, an American surgeon, discovered a significant fact. Coloidal silver, applied to the infected area caused “surprisingly unexpected and unanticipated tissue regeneration”. It was said to help the skin heal itself. Because it is an antibacterial mineral solution and greatly increases the healing process of any skin damage, colloidal silver has become a much more common ingredient in premium organic green skin care products. Although colloidal silver can be found in many products it is not the most prominent ingredient. Colloidal silver is now a luxurious experience thanks to these products

The advantages and the applications of colloidal gold

The many uses and benefits of colloidal silver are numerous. Most importantly, it can be used as an anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory adjuvant. It has a very short time to kill bacteria, which is why its use in medicine is so appreciated. You can use nasal spray to relieve congestion. Colloidal silver can help heal minor skin injuries and improve immunity. Many healing masks should contain colloidal silver. This is because it has the most well-known function. Since long, colloidal silver has been used for DIY skin care ingredients and internal health tonics. Dr Sadik states that colloid silver “has antifungal. antibacterial. and anti-inflammatory” properties. Colloidal silver is a popular ingredient in skin care products due to its anti-inflammatory capabilities. Inflammation can cause almost any type of skin problem, such as redness, inflammation and chronic conditions like dermatitis and rosea. Its unique ability to combat acne bacteria is the reason colloidal silver shines. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. High quality colloidal gold is produced by our company. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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The Decisive Parameters of Solder Paste Quality Are Revealed

Tin powder and auxiliary composition SMT manufacturing relies on quality solder paste printing. Many factors affect the quality of solder paste’s printing. It is important to know the properties of solder dust, composition of solder and ratio of flux. These parameters will determine melting points, printability, weldability, quality of solder joints, and printing abilities. The eutectic temperature of tin powder-alloy components should be as close as possible to the eutectic. It is calculated as the proportion of tin dust to flux expressed in the amount of paste. Tin powder content directly influences the viscosity, printing and durability of solder paste. In general, the content of tin powder is 7590%. Tin powder is 7590% in general. It is used for template printing and no-cleaning solder paste. The content of the tin used in drip coating is 7585 p>

The size, shape, and distribution of the tin powder particles

It is important to consider the size, shape, and uniformity of the tin powder particles in order to influence the properties. It is best to use smaller particles for solder paste printing, particularly when using high density products that have a narrow spacing. About 1/5th of the template opening is used for the diameter of tin dust particles. While the pattern of solder paste printed with small particles alloy powder is very detailed, edge collapse can easily be caused by it. The potential for oxidation is greater due to small particles’ large surfaces. If the assembly density of the powder is low, it’s possible to choose a coarser alloy powder without having an impact on the printing ability. This can improve both the weldability as well as reduce the price for solder paste. Also, the form of the alloy powder can impact the paste’s printingability and desorption as well as weldability. Spherical-particle alloy paste has good printing properties, low viscosity and easy to collapse after printing. This makes it ideal for printing metal templates and narrow spacing screen printing. Because of their small size, high oxygen content, and bright welding spots, spherical particle alloy powder is able to enhance welding quality. At present, however, they are mostly used.


Solder paste, a fluid that is highly thixotropic can be made to flow by external forces. It is an indicator that determines the performance of solder paste. Viscosity can be a major factor in affecting its printing properties. Viscosity may affect the ability to print. Too high viscosity will cause solder paste not to flow out of the template hole. Tin powder content: High viscosity and high alloy. A low percentage of flux indicates a lower viscosity. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. High quality Tin Powder are produced by our company. We can help you if the price is lower.
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Boronization Process of Iron Boride

Iron Boride: Iron boride has a molecular formula of BFe with a molecular mass 66.656. This is a gray orthogonal crystal. But it also can be insoluble in liquid water. You can use it as a chemical agent, or as a catalyst to hydrohydrogenation. Two main types of iron Boride exist. One form has high magnetic and electrical conductivity as well as corrosion resistance. While the other is used for hardening iron, it can also be used in a coating. Iron Boride is a ceramic-hardening iron boride, which also has high thermal conductivity and electric conductivity. Excellent mechanical properties and friction resistance make iron boride a great coating.

Boron iron alloy

While iron is mostly composed of boron, iron, it can also contain impurities, such as copper, aluminum, silicon and carbon. Iron Boride is an iron additive that can be used in iron and steel casting, iron and iron smelting, and amorphous alloys as well. Non-toxic, odorless and non-irritating are the main properties of iron Boride. They also have good heat resistance and thermal stability, excellent dispersion, weather resistance and obvious sterilization against harmful bacteria.

Puffing process

By thermochemical reaction, iron boride can be formed on its surface as a mixture from boron-rich compounds. This is known as boronization. A variety of methods can be used to create a boride layer, including filling boronizing and gas boronizing. The most common type of boride coating is carbon tetraboride, or crystalline Boron. It is created by sintering iron in a tetrafluoroboric acids flux. In the range 1023-1373 K, Boron atoms are capable of absorbing into the iron matrix. By simply reacting iron, boron and heat in an inert gas furnace/microwave, bulk iron boride is possible. Boronization can often be used for wear resistance. It also helps to prevent corrosion, wear resistance, wear resistance, and oxidation. You can use it in many industries, including oil and natural gas refining and chemical extraction. The unique characteristics of iron-based coatings, such as their resistance to corrosion, mechanical friction and friction have attracted a lot attention within the industry. Iron-based materials can be produced economically using a variety of thermal processes and are simple to make and process.

Use of iron Boride

1. This light stabilizer is often used in sunscreen plastics. It can be found in sporting goods, outdoors facilities and fabrics, as well as carpets. It’s also used frequently in photovoltaic and solar power conversion. 2. This can be used to enhance the adhesion of inks, paints, and textiles. 3. It’s used to increase the printability of paper and improve impermeability. 4. This can increase the strength and anti-aging capabilities of plastics, rubbers, and functional fiber products. It also maintains the color gloss and extends the product’s service life. 5. The material has excellent transparency, strong UV shielding and virtually no scattering effects on incident visible light. This material is new and has been extensively used in cosmetics, paints and other paints. Eab Tech Co., Ltd. is an Iron Boride producer with more than 12 years of experience in chemical product research and development. Send us an enquiry if you’re looking for Iron boride of high quality.
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Nanoparticles – Technology into Reality

Predictions for Nanotechnology Soviet authors wrote the science fiction short story “Microhands” in 1931. It depicted tiny hands that could perform complex surgeries. It was almost 90 years old and it “predicts” today’s nanotechnology research. Feyneman was also a Nobel laureate. He predicted that, if objects are placed on a very small scale we could make them acquire many extraordinary properties.

But what is a Nano?

The Origins of Nanotechnology

The unit of measurement for physics is the nanometer. It’s abbreviated to nm. Nanometers are one-billionth of one meter. That’s one-thousandth of one hair’s thickness. Technologies that perform specific functions are known as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology was actually developed by studying the structure of the lotus lotus leaf. The scientists noticed that the water droplets when rolled on lotus leaf did not just wet it but removed all dirt. They then conducted an experiment. An electron microscope analysis showed that the lotus leaf was complex in multinanometers and microns. It also had a thick layer of extremely fine, irregularly shaped cilia. These fine surfaces range in size from micron to nanometer. A droplet of water forms a sphere with its own surface tension. This allows the droplet to absorb dust and roll out from the blade. It’s a cleaner technology than all others. This is what lotus’ nano-surface “self cleaning” means. Thus, we’ll have nano dishcloth, nano umbrella and other living materials that are extremely beneficial for the modern person. The concept of nanotechnology is very simple. Nanotechnology is, in simple words, a technology which uses individual molecules and atoms as building blocks for materials. Imagine looking at a grain rice. You can shrink a grain by 1000, or the equivalent of one human skin cell. A second factor of 1,000 refers to nanoscale. This is nanoscience, which studies objects that are less than a billionth meter long. The use of nanoparticles in cleaning tools isn’t limited by this. The emergence of this technology is what will allow science fiction “black tech” to be a reality.

Future of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology, which is being used in many industries, has triggered a technological revolution that has impacted our everyday lives. One example is clothing. Nanoparticles in textiles, as well as chemical fibres, can destroy taste and bacteria. The static effects of chemical fibers is annoying. However, these fibres are very strong. You can eliminate them by adding a few metal nuclei. Refrigerators can be protected against bacteria by using nanomaterials. Nanomaterials can be used to make aseptic tableware, and food packaging. Use of nanometer powder to transform the wastewater into pure water can make nanometer food not only taste great but is also good for your health. Nano technology can make metope-coating resistance 10 times stronger in the building respect. The glass and ceramic tile surface can be created from either self-cleaning or non-scratch ceramic tile. Harmful ultraviolet light can be absorbed by building materials made with nanoparticles. For vehicles, nanomaterials may improve or improve their performance. These nanocrystals can be used to make engine components for cars, planes and ships. They are also expected to have a great impact on engine reliability and efficiency. To help drivers drive safely, nanosatellites provide information about traffic to any driver at any given time. Medical treatment is possible using nanotechnology that uses micro drug delivery devices. The device can be used to deliver drugs under electromagnetic guidance in vitro. It will then reach the affected area and provide a therapeutic function. Nanosized robots are smaller than red blood cells and can be used to inject blood into the patient’s veins. This will unclog blood vessels. The robot can remove the excess fat from the heart and the precipitate. It is still able to “chew the stone” of the urinary system. The research on nanoparticles, whether now or later in life, will continue to be an area of interest. This technology will continue to influence our daily lives. TRUNNANO is also known as. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nano materials. We produce fine-particle with high purity. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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