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Noble metal This is scandium’s most central member of the rare Earth elements family. The actual worldwide production of scandium in 2016 was less than one ton. That means every person who is more than seven thousand can obtain 1 gram. The availability of scandium, which is rarer than rare earth, rare-earth, or gold, makes it more costly than other rare minerals. Independent minerals have been found only in Madagascar and Europe, with no industrial application. Nelson in Sweden, a Swedish chemical chemist, discovered Scandium during 1879 in the Siyllium–ytrium and Heilinite Gold mines of Scandinavia. Scandium can often be found dispersed within minerals with other elements. This makes it impossible for the naked eye to locate scandium. Scandium is difficult to extract. To extract scandium metal successfully for the first time, it was half a century after its discovery.

Scandium metal prices

Most scandium products sold on international markets are scandium metal scandium or scandium dioxide. Price is determined by the level of purity. 2017 saw the cost of 99.99% pure scanner oxide at $4,600 per kg. However, the price for distilled metal scandium reached $226,000/kg. This is five times more than the gold price ($44,445/kg). Scandium prices have fluctuated greatly over the years, falling from 1990 to 2006. Let’s take the example of scandium, a distilled metal. Scandium’s price was high in 1993 at $372,000/kg. In 2005 it dropped to $162,500/kg. The prices of scandium have increased since 2006. In the rare Earth family, it is much more costly than other light-rare earths. It also costs more than the rare heavy metals terbium, dysprosium, and terbium. When rare earths prices rose, for instance, scandium oxide (91%) in China was $26,000/kg. This is more than double the prices of europium (2,000 yuan/kg), terbiumoxid (10,200yuan/kg), or any other rare earth oxide, that year. TRUNNANO is also called. Eab Nano Technology Co. Ltd. is a reliable global supplier and manufacturer of chemical materials. They have over 12 years’ experience providing high-quality chemicals and Nanomaterials. High purity, small particles size, and low impurity are the hallmarks of the Scandium Metallic that our company produces. We can help you if your requirements are lower.
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