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Strontium chloride is a common salt. In addition to its application as a toothpaste, it has also been used as an ingredient in fireworks. It produces a red flame when heated. A mixture of strontium chloride and sulfuric acid forms strontium hydrogen sulphate. The chemical properties of this salt are intermediate between barium and calcium chlorides.

Strontium is a group 2 (IIA) metal. When dissolved in water, it is capable of conducting electricity. This compound has an electronegativity of 1.0. However, its valence electrons are easily removed by lithium. Lithium is an alkali metal and is found in the first column of the periodic table.

One of the most interesting features of this compound is its polarity. Polar covalent bonds involve the bonding of two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom. On the other hand, nonpolar covalent bonds involve the bonding of one oxygen atom to one hydrogen atom.

The strontium chloride molecule has an octahedral structure. Each cation and anion is surrounded by six anions. Among the six anions are the two chloride ions Cl-1 and Cl-2.

Strontium chloride is a polar compound with a relative density of 3.052. Because of its polarity, it can be insoluble in carbon dioxide and ammonia. It is slightly soluble in ethanol and acetone.

Strontium chloride is sold under the name of Sensodyne. It is used to make a toothpaste that is designed to reduce tooth sensitivity. Dentists may use strontium chloride to obstruct microscopic tubules in the dentin of the teeth.

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