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bismuth oxide formula

Also known as bismite, bismuth trioxide is the most important industrial compound of bismuth. It is a yellow heavy powder or monoclinic crystal that melts at 825oC, and is soluble in acids, but not in water or alkali. It is used as a starting point for many other compounds in bismuth chemistry. Bismuth oxide is used in a wide range of medical devices, including x-ray opacifiers and in some dental materials to improve their strength and fracture resistance. It is also a raw material for catalysts and ceramic pigments, as well as for bismuth salts such as bismuth vanadate, bismuth tungstate and sodium bismuthate.

It has been shown that the one-dimensional amorphous bismuth oxide nanofibres can be produced by electrospinning from PAN/Bi(NO3)3 * 5H2O/DMF solutions at a concentration of 13% by weight of the polymer. Subsequently, the hybrid PAN/Bi2O3 nanofibres have been subjected to calcination at different temperatures and, as a result, clean bimuth oxide nanostructures have been obtained. Analysis of these structures with the use of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an EDX detector, and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) using a Nicolet iS 50 FT-IR spectrometer Thermo Fisher Scientific, allowed to determine their chemical composition, as well as the oscillatory transitions between vibrational levels of atoms in the structure of the molecules.

The amorphous one-dimensional bismuth oxide nanofibres were applied to glass microscope slides and analyzed with the use of a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Evolution 220, Thermo Fisher Scientific). The results of this study showed that the amorphous a-Bi2O3 nanowires are free from structural defects, regardless of the temperature of calcination of the electrospun nanofibre mats.

    By admin