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Molybdenum disulfide makes up the majority of molybdenite. Metallic luster black powder. Molten point 11.85°C, chemical formula MoS2, density 4.80g/cm3. (14). Purity:98.5 – 99% Particle sizes: 5mm, 1.5mm, 10mm Molybdenum Disulfide MoS2 Pulp: Molybdenum dioxide, an organic compound that is made up of molybdenum as well as sulfur. Molybdenum sulfide whose chemical formula refers to MoS2. Molly disulfide is similar to other mineral salts. However, it has a high melting-point but melts at low temperatures. It begins to dissolve at approximately 450oC. This compound can be classified as a dihalide of transition metals. Molly sulfide (the principal ore molybdenum) is a solid that’s silvery-black. MoS2 can be quite reactive. It does not react to oxygen or dilute acids. It is very similar in appearance to graphite. Due to its high friction and durability, molybdenum disulfide is widely used in dry lubricants. Bulk MOS2 is an indirect bandgap diamagnetic semiconductor that has the same bandgap as silicon. MOS2 is also a semi-conductor. The fact that it can be doped with an electrical field makes it and other semiconductor chalcogenides superconductors. MoS2 or related molybdenum-sulfides can act as catalysts to hydrogen evolution. The electronic and optical properties of MoS2 and the other transition metal dibalcogenides’ layered structures are different from that in bulk graphene. Bulk MoS2 exhibits an indirect bandgap value of 1.2eV while monolayers MoS2 display a direct electronic bandgap value of 1.8eV. Photodetectors and switchable transistors are supported. Zero band gap in graphene limits the sensitivity of graphene FET biosensors. It also results in greater leakage, and lower sensitivity. Digital electronics use transistors to control the flow of current in integrated circuits and enable amplification or switching. The physical gate in biosensing is taken out and the current flow is modulated by the binding between the embedded receptor molecules of the charged target biologicalmolecules. MoS2 is also strong in electrical conductivity and mechanical strength. Additionally, it can emit light. This opens the possibility of using MoS2 as a photodetectors. MoS2 is a component in photoelectrochemicals (e.g. Applications for photocatalytic hydrogen production (e.g. To obtain the Molybdenum Disulfide price please send us an inquiry. Molybdenum Disulfide Information about Molybdenum Disulfide: English Name: Molybdenum Disulfide Molybdenum Disulfide (CAS No. : 1317-33-5 Molybdenum Disulfide Molecular formula: MoS2 Molybdenum Disulfide Molar weight:160.06 Molybdenum Disulfide Appearance. Black/lead-gray solid Molybdenum Disulfide Density(water=1): 4.8 Molybdenum Disulfide Melting point(): 1185 Molybdenum sulfide solubility: Decomposed by hot sulfuric acids, aqua regia, and nitric acid. Insoluble in dilute or water. Molybdenum sulfide Hazardous: powder heated to high temperatures can burn or react explosively with peroxide.
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