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When President Trump tweeted in the wee hours of May 31 about “constant negative press covfefe,” he probably meant to complain about the media. But he misspelled the word — the letters f and e are right next to each other on a QWERTY keyboard — so the tweet ended up going viral instead, and everyone was left wondering what it meant.
Some people assumed it was a typo; others thought it was a new word invented by the president. The truth is both, but now we have a whole new meaning for the word thanks to a Democratic congressman from Illinois. Mike Quigley introduced the Covfefe Act, which would require the White House to keep a record of every tweet that comes from the president’s personal Twitter account.
The name, however, has a deeper significance: covfefe magnetic. The acronym is a reference to the chemical elements cobalt, vanadium, and iron (CoVV), which are all found in the periodic table of elements. They also form a rare naturally occurring molecule called CoVFeFe.
Scientists have been studying CoVFeFe for decades. It’s a soft magnetic alloy used in magnet cores for tape and strip tapes, as well as in many other innovative technologies. The compound’s structure is a three-atom bridge, in which one cobalt atom is combined with two iron atoms and a vanadium atom on both sides of the bond. This molecule is known by many linear formulas, including CoFeFe, CoVFe, VCoFe, and FeVCo. Its properties have been used to protect against a variety of environmental and biological threats, such as radiation and electromagnetic frequencies.